Find the pattern


New member
May 8, 2020
I have a pattern problem that is driving me crazy, as I seem to be unable to find the answer.

It's as follows:

**Fill in the blanks in the next series of numbers from 1 to 15 in the correct order.**


I've run all the possibilities but even so i cannot solve it.

Please help
What does / mean? What does /.../ mean? What do you mean by next series of numbers?

You have not run all the possibilities as you have not found the solution.
What does / mean? What does /.../ mean? What do you mean by next series of numbers?

You have not run all the possibilities as you have not found the solution.
I think "next" means "following"; I have seen it used by a number of non-English speakers.

Interestingly, there are only 24 possible ways to fill the four blanks, so it is easy to try them all; but one could easily do that and not recognize what is "the correct order", because that is not defined. This is another of those "guess what's on my mind" puzzles, and we have no idea what the poser might be thinking constitutes an interesting "pattern".

I'm still trying to find a reasonable answer. I don't suppose there's any context that might suggest what sort of pattern to look for?