Find the price of potatoes per kilogram if, when the price rises by 5c per kg, I can buy 1 less kg for $2.10.


New member
Mar 18, 2019

I've tried to solve this question but I'm not really getting anywhere, was wondering if you guys could help. What I tried was to form an equation relating the price/kg, total price, and kg. I made the equation:


Where a= price/kg
and x= kg

I tried to make an equation for the original price/kilogram, but with the information in the question all I can reach is an expression:

(a)(x)=total price

With the same variables.

Thank you in advance for any help!
Hello, and welcome to FMH! :)

Let's let \(a\) be the price of potatoes per kilogram and \(x\) be the number of kilograms that can be bought for $2.10. Thus, we may state:

Now, when the price increases by 5 cents, the number of kilograms that can be purchased for $2.10 decreases by 1:

Since we are asked to find \(a\), let's substitute for \(x\) from the first equation into the second:

Can you proceed to solve this equation for \(a\)?
To follow up, multiply the equation by \(a\):

Expand the LHS:

Arrange in standard form:


Discarding the negative root, we find:

Let's check our answer...if the price per kg is 30 cents, then we can by 7 kg with 210 cents. If the price rises by 5 cents to 35 cents, then 210 cents will buy us 6 kg, which is 1 less than 7. So, it checks out. :)

I've tried to solve this question but I'm not really getting anywhere, was wondering if you guys could help. What I tried was to form an equation relating the price/kg, total price, and kg. I made the equation:


Where a= price/kg
and x= kg

I tried to make an equation for the original price/kilogram, but with the information in the question all I can reach is an expression:

(a)(x)=total price

With the same variables.

Thank you in advance for any help!
Your definition for x is not clear at all. You should say that x is the number of kg so your cost will be 210