find the smallest possible number of beads which could be in the bag


Junior Member
Jan 3, 2018
Have I figured this question out right?

Question: A bag contains beads. each bead is red, green or blue. Esther takes one bead from the bag. The probability that she will take a red bead is 0.35. The probability that she takes a blue bead is 3/8. Find the smallest possible number of beads which could be in the bag.

I figured that the probability that she will take a green bead is 11/40

probability of red: 7/20

probability of blue: 3/8

probability of green: 11/40

the lowest common multiple of 20, 8 and 40 = 40

is this why the answer is 40?
Any help would be highly appreciated! :)
Yes since the fractions are in their simplest form, it is correct to look for the lcm of 20, 8 and 40.