Finding Equidistant Points on an Ellipse


New member
Sep 20, 2021
Hi All,

Its my first post to this forum, I wasn't really finding what I was looking for on other forums/sites, so I'm hoping to find some help here. I have a task in excel that uses coordinate points as an input for the operation, and am trying to save myself some time on inputting the points.

Occasionally the shape of the line is an ellipse, and I need to find the points for 20 equidistant sections along that ellipse given the A and B values (major and minor radii). So far I was able to find equations for the approximate perimeter of the ellipse, and therefore could find the arc length of each of the equidistant sections. My issue now is finding the coordinates of each point along the curve given the arc length. I've seen some formulas for finding the angle from focus points to a point along the arc, and most of the material I have seen actually provides answers through computer code (but seeing as I cant code at all, I have very little idea what the functions they use are doing).

I understand that this solution will involve some integration, but seeing as I haven't had to integrate in years, I was hoping to get some help with that too.

Any help or guidance that could be provided would be super helpful, even better reference material would be very much appreciated.
