Functions and limits


New member
Mar 23, 2020
Can someone kindly explain this pls? I’m not understanding the way it’s written down. Kindly scroll down. Many thanks in advance.

That is very poorly written! It hasn't defined g at all (probably due to a typo), and doesn't say what limit (f or g or something else) is requested (I guess both). The notation is also odd; the part to the right should be values of f(x), not mapping notation. I would have written the last one as

[MATH]g(x)=\left\{\begin{matrix} x^2,\;\;\text{if }x\ne 2\\ 0,\;\;\text{if }x=2\;\;\end{matrix}\right.[/MATH]​

Please show us the entire problem exactly as given.

Also, please tell us what you are thinking, so we can see where you are confused. What are the one-sided limits? What is required for the limit to exist?
Thanks for your reply. This is the question exactly as given and I’m not understanding the way it’s written and it’s meaning. Thanks
Thanks for your reply. This is the question exactly as given and I’m not understanding the way it’s written and it’s meaning. Thanks
Did my rewriting of it help? As I said, it is oddly written (and I was curious about the big blank space), but it should be clear the way I wrote it. (I didn't dare do f, because the formatting on this site doesn't handle these well.) If it didn't help, tell me what specifically you didn't understand, as I may be assuming your difficulty is in a different place.

Please answer the questions I asked, which are intended to lead you to the answer. Do you understand what it takes for a limit to exist, and how one-sided limits fit into the question? Is this from a textbook that gives examples of limits of piecewise functions? If not, see examples 4 and 5 here.
Can someone kindly explain this pls? I’m not understanding the way it’s written down. Kindly scroll down. Many thanks in advance.

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\(f(x)=\begin{cases}x\mapsto x^2 &\: x>2\\2\mapsto 2\\x\mapsto -x^2&\:x<2 \end{cases}\)

\(g(x)=\begin{cases}x\mapsto x^2 &\: x\ne 2\\2\mapsto 0\end{cases}\)
I realize that you say that what you posted was as it was given to you.
However, the above is what I think was really meant.
\(\mathop {\lim }\limits_{x \to {2^ + }} f(x) = 4~\&~\mathop {\lim }\limits_{x \to {2^ - }} f(x) =- 4\).
Therefore \(\mathop {\lim }\limits_{x \to 2} f(x) \text{ DNE}\)
However \(\mathop {\lim }\limits_{x \to 2} g(x) =4\)