FYI Tutors: Ted has added a New Member announcement


Super Moderator
Oct 6, 2005
FYI -- Ted has added an announcement to the forum's front page, directing new users to read the forum's guidelines. This announcement appears for all new members with fewer than five posts, unless they dismiss the announcement. Once dismissed, the announcement will not appear for that member again.

When replying to a new member who has not followed the forum's guidelines, please continue to provide a link (as there's no way for us to know whether the member has already dismissed the announcement) or reference a 'READ BEFORE POSTING' link. The link which appears on each board's index page takes users to the complete forum guidelines, and the link on the front page (in the 'Latest profile posts' section) takes users to the guidelines summary.

The new announcement looks like this (screen shot from Ted's mobile device):


EDIT: Removed statement about the announcement appearing each time a new member logs in.
I've edited post #1, as I misunderstood the announcement dismissal. Once a new member closes that announcement, it will not appear again.
