Geometric series


Junior Member
Aug 8, 2019
I have a challenging Geometric series question that I am stuck and need help with :
I tried doing some workings but need help in figuring out the ratio, and forming the expression.
attempt.jpegPS: I realised the power in the brackets is wrong, it should be equal to n, but I am still stuck otherwise.
Thank you for any help
I gave 2 different attempts/approaches above, but I am stuck in how to obtain the expression
I have a challenging Geometric series question that I am stuck and need help with :
View attachment 34140
I tried doing some workings but need help in figuring out the ratio, and forming the expression.
View attachment 34141PS: I realised the power in the brackets is wrong, it should be equal to n, but I am still stuck otherwise.
Thank you for any help
Your second approach is correct, though you didn't apply it correctly. Each term is [imath]6 \cdot (1 + 10 + 100 + \dots )[/imath]. So we have
[imath]\displaystyle 6 \cdot \left ( \sum_{k = 1}^1 10^{k - 1} + \sum_{k = 1}^2 10^{k - 1} + \sum_{k = 1}^3 10^{k -1} + \dots \right )[/imath]

The problem you were having above is that the ratio in each term is 10. Not, 1, 10, 100, etc.

Can you finish?

Your second approach is correct, though you didn't apply it correctly. Each term is [imath]6 \cdot (1 + 10 + 100 + \dots )[/imath]. So we have
[imath]\displaystyle 6 \cdot \left ( \sum_{k = 1}^1 10^{k - 1} + \sum_{k = 1}^2 10^{k - 1} + \sum_{k = 1}^3 10^{k -1} + \dots \right )[/imath]

The problem you were having above is that the ratio in each term is 10. Not, 1, 10, 100, etc.

Can you finish?

is this like expression within an expression? I am thinking of including a Series expression for each term, but that is my confusion how can I create an expression if this goes to infinity?
is this like expression within an expression? I am thinking of including a Series expression for each term, but that is my confusion how can I create an expression if this goes to infinity?
6 + 66 + 666 + .. does go to infinity after an infinite number of terms. So you should expect that. But the question is asking about the sum of only n terms.

To write the full expression: The sum of the first n terms is
[imath]\displaystyle 6 + 66 + 666 + \dots = \sum_{j = 1}^n \left ( 6 \sum_{k = 1}^j 10^{k-1} \right )[/imath]

However, you need to be able to do each individual sum and that's where you were having a problem. How can you do one of these?

6 + 66 + 666 + .. does go to infinity after an infinite number of terms. So you should expect that. But the question is asking about the sum of only n terms.

To write the full expression: The sum of the first n terms is
[imath]\displaystyle 6 + 66 + 666 + \dots = \sum_{j = 1}^n \left ( 6 \sum_{k = 1}^j 10^{k-1} \right )[/imath]

However, you need to be able to do each individual sum and that's where you were having a problem. How can you do one of these?

[math]S_n = 6\left(\sum_{k=1}^{n} \frac{10^k-1}{9} \right)[/math]
I haven't learned Sigma notation so I am having a bit of problem in reading the notation.
I am self learning how to solve questions like this from a book. The answer key is [2(10^(n+1) - 10 - 9n)]/27
I have no means of checking whether that is correct, but I can read it if it is written in that form.
But can somebody help me how to obtain that expression?
I did further steps from the help, stuck in the concluding the expression
View attachment 34146
I did further steps from the help, stuck in the concluding the expression
Okay, first put things in standard form. The series [imath]1 + 10 + 100 + \dots[/imath] has a formula for each term [imath]10^{k -1} = \dfrac{1}{10} 10^k[/imath]. So [imath]a = \dfrac{1}{10}[/imath] and [imath]r = 10[/imath].

The formula for the sum is [imath]S = \dfrac{a(r^j - 1)}{r - 1}[/imath], where j is the number of terms in the sum What's S?

ans.jpegHi Mr Dan,
sorry I got distracted with exam for past few days, but I am still very interested in solving this,
I am stuck in finding the ratio. Is it 10 ? I tried dividing the consecutive terms to find r but it turns out they are not the same?
In your previous post you put 10^k - 1, where is the position of that -1, next to the k? or next to 10^k.
I am dealing with series within series here, but I guess forming the expression is my biggest hurdle..
please help
View attachment 34248Hi Mr Dan,
sorry I got distracted with exam for past few days, but I am still very interested in solving this,
I am stuck in finding the ratio. Is it 10 ? I tried dividing the consecutive terms to find r but it turns out they are not the same?
In your previous post you put 10^k - 1, where is the position of that -1, next to the k? or next to 10^k.
I am dealing with series within series here, but I guess forming the expression is my biggest hurdle..
please help
Well, it would've helped if I had given you the correct formula! Sorry about that.

[imath]6 + 66 + 666 + \dots = 6(1 + 11 + 111 + \dots )[/imath]

Each term can be expressed as the sum of a series [imath]1 + 10 + 100 + \dots[/imath] which is a geometric series of j terms with a = 1/10 and r = 10. The sum of each will be
[imath]S_j = \dfrac{a r (r^j - 1)}{r - 1}[/imath] <-- Notice the extra r in there!

[imath]6 + 66 + 666 + \dots = 6 \left ( \dfrac{ \dfrac{1}{10} \cdot 10 ( 10^1 - 1 ) }{10 -1} + \dfrac{ \dfrac{1}{10} \cdot 10 ( 10^2 - 1 ) }{10 -1} + \dfrac{ \dfrac{1}{10} \cdot 10 ( 10^3 - 1 ) }{10 -1} + \dots \right )[/imath]

[imath]= \dfrac{6}{9} (9 + 99 + 999 + \dots )[/imath]

[imath]= \dfrac{6}{9} ((10 - 1) + (100 - 1) + (1000 - 1) + \dots )[/imath]

[imath] = \dfrac{6}{9} ( (10 + 100 + 1000 + \dots ) - (1 + 1 + 1 + \dots ) )[/imath] <-- we have n terms

[imath] = \dfrac{6}{9} \left ( \dfrac{ 10 (10^n - 1)}{10 - 1} - n \right )[/imath]

[imath]= \dfrac{60}{81} 10^n - \dfrac{60}{81} - \cdot \dfrac{6}{9} n[/imath]

So finally(!)
[imath]6 + 66 + 666 + \dots = \dfrac{6}{81} ( 10 \cdot 10^n - 10 - 9n)[/imath]


Addendum: While I was working on this, I found a shortcut.
[imath]6 + 66 + 666 + \dots = 6 ( 1 + 11 + 111 + \dots ) = \dfrac{6}{9} \cdot 9 (1 + 11 + 111 + \dots ) = \dfrac{6}{9} (9 + 99 + 999 + \dots )[/imath]

and go from there.
View attachment 34248Hi Mr Dan,
sorry I got distracted with exam for past few days, but I am still very interested in solving this,
I am stuck in finding the ratio. Is it 10 ? I tried dividing the consecutive terms to find r but it turns out they are not the same?
In your previous post you put 10^k - 1, where is the position of that -1, next to the k? or next to 10^k.
I am dealing with series within series here, but I guess forming the expression is my biggest hurdle..
please help

So I know you said you're not terribly familiar with summation notation but now would be a good time and it's not all that bad.

First we need to express the following expression using summation notation,


which as mentioned above would be,

[imath]S_n = 6\left(\sum_{k=1}^{n} \frac{10^k-1}{9} \right)[/imath]

Then we can take out the constants and distribute the summation over each term to give,

[imath][6\left(\sum_{k=1}^{n} \frac{10^k-1}{9} \right)= (6/9) \sum_{k=1}^{n} 10^k-(6/9) \sum_{k=1}^{n} 1=(6/9)\frac{10(10^n-1)}{9}-\frac{6n}{9}=\frac{60(10^n - 1)}{81}-\frac{18n}{27}[/imath]

Now, the expression you have has (n + 1) in the exponent so changing it from 'n' to 'n + 1' means multiplying by 10, so to compensate, we can do the same with the '1' by changing it to a '10' then divide the multiplier outside by 10 to give,

[imath]\frac{60(10^n - 1)}{81}-\frac{18n}{27}=\frac{6(10^{(n+1)} - 10)}{81}-\frac{18n}{27}[/imath]

Finally we can use 27 in the denominator and bring the 18n into the bracket that is being multiplied by 2 like this,

[imath]\frac{6(10^{(n+1)} - 10)}{81}-\frac{18n}{27}=\frac{2(10^{(n+1)} - 10)}{27}-\frac{18n}{27}=\frac{2(10^{(n+1)} - 10-9n)}{27}[/imath]

as required.
Ah Thank You Mr. Dan! the little algebra work where you take the -1 out and put them together made it easier for me to see how the next step is formed. Much Thank you and really appreciate the help! I fully understand it now.
I'm a bit confused regarding what the sequence is supposed to be. Is it correct to say that [imath]S_1 = 6[/imath], [imath]S_2 = 66[/imath] and so-on? And the problem is asking for a formula for the sum of all terms from [imath]S_1[/imath] through [imath]S_n[/imath] given some value for [imath]n[/imath]?

Assuming I interpret this correctly, my train of thought is as follows...

Each term in the sequence can be given with the following formula:

[imath]S_n = \frac{2}{3}(10^n-1)[/imath]​

This isn't actually in the form of a geometric series, as the terms are not separated by a common ratio. 6 to 66 is a ratio of 11, 66 to 666 is a ratio of [imath]10.\overline{09}[/imath], etc.

The running sum of terms is given with the following formula (given that [imath]\Sigma_0=0[/imath]):

[imath]\Sigma_n = \Sigma_{n-1} + S_n[/imath]​

This is a recurrence relation, and I never did learn how to work those out. Wolfram|Alpha tells me that:

[imath]\Sigma_n = \frac{20}{27}(10^n-1) - \frac{2n}3[/imath]​

This solves the problem as I understand it.

I'm interested to know how to resolve the formula properly--how to convert the recursive formula into something that is not recursive. I see this come up a lot in various contexts and it always flies over my head. In a pinch, I don't mind using Wolfram|Alpha for implementing solutions, but I like to know to do things "without a calculator" as it were. Any insights into this would be appreciated.
I'm a bit confused regarding what the sequence is supposed to be. Is it correct to say that [imath]S_1 = 6[/imath], [imath]S_2 = 66[/imath] and so-on? And the problem is asking for a formula for the sum of all terms from [imath]S_1[/imath] through [imath]S_n[/imath] given some value for [imath]n[/imath]?

Assuming I interpret this correctly, my train of thought is as follows...

Each term in the sequence can be given with the following formula:

[imath]S_n = \frac{2}{3}(10^n-1)[/imath]​

This isn't actually in the form of a geometric series, as the terms are not separated by a common ratio. 6 to 66 is a ratio of 11, 66 to 666 is a ratio of [imath]10.\overline{09}[/imath], etc.

The running sum of terms is given with the following formula (given that [imath]\Sigma_0=0[/imath]):

[imath]\Sigma_n = \Sigma_{n-1} + S_n[/imath]​

This is a recurrence relation, and I never did learn how to work those out. Wolfram|Alpha tells me that:

[imath]\Sigma_n = \frac{20}{27}(10^n-1) - \frac{2n}3[/imath]​

This solves the problem as I understand it.

I'm interested to know how to resolve the formula properly--how to convert the recursive formula into something that is not recursive. I see this come up a lot in various contexts and it always flies over my head. In a pinch, I don't mind using Wolfram|Alpha for implementing solutions, but I like to know to do things "without a calculator" as it were. Any insights into this would be appreciated.
If you know summation notation
[imath]6 + 66 + 666 + \dots = 6(1 + 11 + 111 + \dots )= 6 ( 1 + (1 + 10) + (1 + 10 + 100) + \dots )[/imath]

[imath]\displaystyle = 6 \sum_{j=1}^n \left ( \sum_{k = 1}^j 10^{k-1} \right )[/imath]

and you can apply the sum rules for a geometric series to that. This is the fastest and easiest way to do the problem if you know how to do it.


So I know you said you're not terribly familiar with summation notation but now would be a good time and it's not all that bad.

First we need to express the following expression using summation notation,

View attachment 34249

which as mentioned above would be,

[imath]S_n = 6\left(\sum_{k=1}^{n} \frac{10^k-1}{9} \right)[/imath]

Then we can take out the constants and distribute the summation over each term to give,

[imath][6\left(\sum_{k=1}^{n} \frac{10^k-1}{9} \right)= (6/9) \sum_{k=1}^{n} 10^k-(6/9) \sum_{k=1}^{n} 1=(6/9)\frac{10(10^n-1)}{9}-\frac{6n}{9}=\frac{60(10^n - 1)}{81}-\frac{18n}{27}[/imath]

Now, the expression you have has (n + 1) in the exponent so changing it from 'n' to 'n + 1' means multiplying by 10, so to compensate, we can do the same with the '1' by changing it to a '10' then divide the multiplier outside by 10 to give,

[imath]\frac{60(10^n - 1)}{81}-\frac{18n}{27}=\frac{6(10^{(n+1)} - 10)}{81}-\frac{18n}{27}[/imath]

Finally we can use 27 in the denominator and bring the 18n into the bracket that is being multiplied by 2 like this,

[imath]\frac{6(10^{(n+1)} - 10)}{81}-\frac{18n}{27}=\frac{2(10^{(n+1)} - 10)}{27}-\frac{18n}{27}=\frac{2(10^{(n+1)} - 10-9n)}{27}[/imath]

as required.
Just noticed this, thank you so much Dr Adam, this brings another light to my understanding. Appreciate it so much!