geometry - triangles and subsets of the plane


New member
May 1, 2006
A subset S of the plane has the property that the area of any triangle ABC with vertices A, B and C all in S is less than 1.

Prove that there exists a triangle of area 4 which contains the whole set S.
mbbx3adr said:
A subset S of the plane has the property that the area of any triangle ABC with vertices A, B and C all in S is less than 1.
Prove that there exists a triangle of area 4 which contains the whole set S.
I have some questions. Is this a question in a topology course?
That is, can we assume that the set S is bounded?

Most important are you sure it does not say rectangle and not triangle?
If the closure of S is compact, I found a rectangle of area 4 the closure of which contains S.
no, it isn't a topology course. i have never done topology. it is definately a triangle and not a rectangle. thank you for any help.

i have been able to show that there is a triangle of area 4 which contains the whole set S when the subset of S is a certain shape. E.g. when the subset S is a rectangle or a circle. but not sure how to prove this when S is any shape.