Grade 11 math question


New member
Jul 8, 2021
For the function g(x)=sqrt x2-6x+9 -3,(-3 not under sqrt) determine:
b) g(d)

sqrt (d)^2-6(d)+9-3
sqrt (d+3)(d-3)-3
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Please give the complete and exact question as we request in our guidelines.

[MATH]g(x) = \sqrt{x^2 - 6x + 9} - 3[/MATH].

We also ask in our guidelines that you either show what work you were able to do (even if you know it is wrong) or else tell us briefly just why you cannot even start.
WHAT IS THE QUESTION you were asked? g(d) means nothing.
WHAT IS THE QUESTION you were asked? g(d) means nothing.

this is the question I was asked:
For the function g(x)=sqrt x^2-6x+9 -3,(-3 not under sqrt) determine:
b) g(d).
that's it.

g(x) is the same as f(x).
d is what you are subbing in for x.
this is the question I was asked:
For the function g(x)=sqrt x^2-6x+9 -3,(-3 not under sqrt) determine:
b) g(d).
that's it.

g(x) is the same as f(x).
d is what you are subbing in for x.
Well then step one is to do the substitution

[MATH]\sqrt{d^2 - 6d + 9} - 3 = \sqrt{(d - 3)^2} - 3 = WHAT? [/MATH]
where is \sqrt{(d - 3)^2} - 3 coming from?
[MATH](d - 3)^2 = (d - 3)(d - 3) = d(d - 3) - 3(d - 3) = d^2 - 3d - 3d + 9 = d^2 - 6d + 9.[/MATH]
[MATH]\sqrt{d^2 - 6d + 9} = \sqrt{(d - 3)^2} = d - 3.[/MATH]
When you have something inside a square root, it is always a good idea to look ro see whether it is a square of something so you can simplify.
[MATH](d - 3)^2 = (d - 3)(d - 3) = d(d - 3) - 3(d - 3) = d^2 - 3d - 3d + 9 = d^2 - 6d + 9.[/MATH]
[MATH]\sqrt{d^2 - 6d + 9} = \sqrt{(d - 3)^2} = d - 3.[/MATH]
When you have something inside a square root, it is always a good idea to look ro see whether it is a square of something so you can simplify.

where did +9 go?
g(x) = sqrt{x^2 - 6x + 9} - 3.

This is the original formula. I don't know what happened to the +9 -3
g(x) = sqrt{x^2 - 6x + 9} - 3.
This is the original formula. I don't know what happened to the +9 -3
You need to know that \(\sqrt{x^2}=|x|\) so that \(\sqrt{x^2-6x+9}-3=\sqrt{(x-3)^2}-3=|x-3|-3\)