Graph the function f(x)=x^2+1/x-x+2


New member
Feb 21, 2006
I don't know the proper method for graphing this function f(x)=x^2+1/x-x+2.

I see that there is a parabola (x^2) and 1/x but what's the proper method of graphing this?

mikexz said:
I see that there is a parabola (x^2) and 1/x ....
I'm not sure what you mean by the above...? Has your class not covered rational functions yet...?

To graph a function, pick x-values, plug them into the formula to find the corresponding y-values, draw the dots, and then (once you have enough) connect the dots as appropriate. (Considerations specific to graphing rational functions are available online, if this has never been mentioned in class.)

I was hoping to find a method that was far more efficient than the table of values. Furthermore using a table of values for functions like this will most likely provide an incorrect answer (during a test situation) since there is two separate lines. I know how to graph x^2 and 1/x if they are separate but this function contains them both so I am unsure of what to do.
mikexz said:
I know how to graph x^2 and 1/x if they are separate but this function contains them both so I am unsure of what to do.
Since we cannot reasonably provide the requested lessons (which I would guess have not been presented in class, but will be tested on soon...?), it might be useful to follow the link (provided earlier) and review some of the lessons available online.

Thank you.
