Help Computing Intengral


New member
Jun 20, 2010
I need help computing this integral with the different techniques mentioned below.

? 50 1/x dx

(thats a 50 at the top and a 1 at the bottom of the integram sign)

- Right rectangular scheme
- Left rectangular scheme
- Midpoint Rectangular scheme
- trapezoid scheme
- Simpson sRule

Intengrals and integrams? 8-)

To get started, please post what you've done thus far OR post some specific questions of your own about the lessons and examples you've seen for those methods.

In other words, how can we begin to help you with these exercises, if we don't know where you're stuck?

I have no clue how to do it, I have to write a program from n = 2, 10, 100, 1000 in Matlab or any other programming language to calculate each method.
I have no clue how to do it

I'm guessing that you intend your unreferenced pronoun "it" above to be interpreted as "a computer program".

You should know that the Free Math Help boards are not geared toward computer-programming assistance, but based on your programming language you might find somebody here to assist you.

Have you decided on a specific programming language, yet ?
