Help on quadratic equation


New member
Mar 12, 2019
Give that m is one of the roots of the quadratic equation x²+5x-12=0
Show that m³=37m-60.
Give that m is one of the roots of the quadratic equation x²+5x-12=0
Show that m³=37m-60.

The fact that m is a root means that m²+5m-12=0. You want to show that m³-37m+60=0. This suggests that the former polynomial might be a factor of the latter. Is it?
You can always find the value(s) for m and see if m³=37m-60 although there are easier ways.
One way to approach this is to write:

Expand the RHS and collect like terms:

What does the comparison of corresponding coefficients tell you about \(a\)?