Help with Fundamental Algebra Rule


New member
Dec 25, 2019
For the question:
Make 'R' the subject of the formula:

1/R = 1/Ri + 1/Rii

I can find the answer through the 'long version' of multiplying in the common denominator to both sides as eventually isolating R. But I know that there is a shorter version to this answer based on some fundamental algebra rule.

I don't understand what that rule is or how it applies to shorten the length of solving the answer for this question.
Please help.
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… Make 'R' the subject of the [equation]:

1/R = 1/Ri + 1/Rii …
Hello JvN. Do symbols R and i represent Real numbers?

Does the given equation look like one of the following?

\(\displaystyle \frac{1}{R} \;=\; \frac{1}{R \cdot i} \;+\; \frac{1}{R \cdot i^2}\)

\(\displaystyle \frac{1}{R} \;=\; \frac{1}{R} \cdot i \;+\; \frac{1}{R} \cdot i^2\)

I can find the answer through the 'long version' …
What answer did you get?

Hi Otis
Thanks for your reply

'i' and 'ii' are just used to differentiate each term from the other. The equation could just as easily be: 1/x = 1/y + 1/z

The 'long version' answer I got was: R = (Ri.Rii)/(Ri+Rii)
But this took several lines of work after multiplying in the LCD, rearranging the equation and cancelling like terms.

I did ask a math teacher and he showed me the shortened version, it takes two lines. Unfortunately, he only speaks Japanese, so I was unable to work out what the rule is for moving variables to the top of a fraction without the drawn out process of using the LCD.
1/a = 1/b + 1/c
To find a in terms of b and c first try working with numbers:
Consider the numbers 2,3 and 6:
1/2 = 1/3 + 1/6 where a = 2, b = 3, c = 6
= 6/(3 × 6) + 3/(3 × 6)
= (6 + 3)/(3 × 6)

∴(3 × 6)/(3 + 6) = 2

2 = the product of 3 and 6 divided by the sum of 3 and 6.
∴a = the product of b and c divided by the sum of b and c.
a = bc/(b + c)

Try numbers 3,4 and 12:

3 = (4 × 12)/(4 + 12)

∴1/3 = 1/4 + 1/12
assuming that the i's in question are not the i representing the square root of -1
there's really no magic trick that makes things easier.

you just have to do

\(\displaystyle \dfrac{1}{R} = \dfrac{R_{ii} + R_i}{R_{i}R_{ii}}\)

\(\displaystyle R = \dfrac{R_{i}R_{ii}}{R_{ii}+R_i}\)

it's only two steps
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your first line has a typo. The plus sign needs to be an equals sign (corrected) as I show it here:

\(\displaystyle \dfrac{1}{R} =\dfrac{R_{ii} + R_i}{R_{i}R_{ii}}\)

\(\displaystyle R = \dfrac{R_{i}R_{ii}}{R_{ii}+R_i}\)
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