
What have you learned so far about graphing lines ?

Please explain where you're stuck, and also read the post titled, "Read Before Posting".


Here is what I've competed so far:

X y=3x-3 x,y

0 y=3(0)-3 0, -3
1 y=3(1)-3 1, 0
2 y=3(2)-3 2, 3

I need to check if I'm in the right direction.
mdrayer said:
x      y = 3x - 3      (x, y)

0      y = 3(0) - 3    (0,-3)

1      y = 3(1) - 3    (1, 0)

2      y = 3(2) - 3    (2, 3)

I need to check if I'm in the right direction. Yes. Perfect.

Now, use graph paper.

Instead of making a table of values, another way would be to look at the slope-intercept form as given, and read off the line's slope and y-intercept from it.

m = 3

b = -3

The y-intercept is -3, so the point (0, -3) can be plotted.

The slope is 3, which is 3/1, which means -- starting at the known coordinates (0,-3) -- a run of 1 AND a rise of 3 takes us to (1,0).

Therefore, the point (1, 0) can also be plotted.

Draw a line through them.

\(\displaystyle Given: \ y \ = \ 3x-3, \ graph \ the \ line.\)

\(\displaystyle Note: \ when \ x \ = \ 0, \ y \ = \ -3, \ ergo, \ (0,-3) \ one \ point \ (y-axis \ intercept).\)

\(\displaystyle Also \ note, \ when \ y \ = \ 0, \ x \ =1, \ ergo \ (1,0) \ another \ point \ (x-axis \ intercept).\)

\(\displaystyle Now, \ since \ two \ points \ determine \ a \ line, \ we're \ in \ business, \ see \ graph.\)
