Hi! Can somebody please help me find the next number in these rows?


New member
Oct 28, 2015
Row of numbers

  1. [*=1]4;2;6;12;10;22;36;34;?

Possible answer

  1. [*=1] 76;56;84;60;70;66;48
1) 4; 2; 6; 12; 10; 22; 36; 34; ?
2) 8; 5; 15; 12; 36; ?
3) 13; 13; 15; 10; 17; 7; ?
4) 2; 9; 5; 25; 8; 49; 11; ?
Have you been given rules or other information for these number lists? Or did the instructions say something about creating your own rule and then providing the next number or two for each of the lists?

Either way, what are your thoughts? What have you tried? How far have you gotten? Where are you stuck?

Please be complete. Thank you! ;)
Either way, what are your thoughts? What have you tried? How far have you gotten? Where are you stuck?

Please be complete. Thank you! ;)

Well, the instructions say that I have to figure out the pattern. The task originally looked like this:

I thought of answers for few of them:
1. Xn=X(n-1)x2 Answer. 32
2. Xn=X(n-1)+5x(n-1) Answer. 55
3. Xn=X(n-1) – (6-(n-2)) Answer. 14
4. -
5. Xn=(X(n-1)-X(n-2))*4 Answer. 80
6. Xn=X(n-1)*2-2^n-1 Answer. 64
7. Answer. 33
8. -
9. Xn=X(n-1)*X(n-2) Answer. 108
10. If n is an odd number, than Xn=n+
If n is an even number, than Xn=(n+1)^2
Answer. 81

Would appreciate any help on the 4, 7, 8'th . I remember that we went through tasks like this one in school a while back, but I forgot how to do them appropriately.


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