Historical Math Problem


Full Member
May 8, 2005
Pierre de Fermat (1601-1665) conjectured that the function
f(x) = 2^(2x) + 1 for x = 1, 2, 3, ..., would always have a value equal to a prime number. But Leonhard Euler (1707-1783) showed that this formula fails for x = 5. Use a calculator to determine the prime numbers produced by f for x = 1, 2, 3, 4. Then show that f(5) = 641(6,700,417), which is NOT prime.

Please, stop answering my questions. You like to put students down with your Einstein knowledge of math. I do NOT place my questions here to be insulted. Do you know this or do you know that?
If I did Einstein, would I ask anyone here for help???????

PLEASE, skip my questions. I want patient tutors to reply. Stop answering my questions! OKAY??? Got it????
Well, let's see...

2<sup>2*5</sup> + 1 = 2<sup>10</sup> + 1 = 1024 + 1 = 1025

1025 = 5<sup>2</sup>*41 -- Clearly NOT prime.

I'm having rouble believing Fermat wouldn't have noticed that.
I'm also wondering why 1025 has nothing to do with the reported values.

On the other hand, 2<sup>2*16</sup> + 1 = 42949697297 = 641*6700417

Although still a bit dubious, I suppose I can believe that may have been beyond the scope of Fermat.

Are you CERTAIN you copied the problem correctly?
While Einstein was the most important physicist of the twentieth century, he was only fair at mathematics.

Now, you have written this famous problem incorrectly.
It should be: f(x)=2<sup>2<sup>x</sup></sup>+1.
