Homework problem-what is this???

Were there no instructions to this exercise (such as "Convert the following to standard decimal notation")?

Or are you asking what this notation means? (If the latter, try doing a search on "scientific notation".)

Please reply with specifics. Thank you.

5.7 * 10 (-8) The -8 is an exponent.


You didn’t say what you’re supposed to do with this. The form is known as Scientific Notation. Please read about this in your book.

Likely you’re supposed to change it to decimal form. In this case, consider the exponent on the 10: -8 [BTW, write this as 10^(-8).] To change 5.7*10^(-8) to decimal form, move the decimal point on the 5.7 eight spaces. Since the exponent is negative, move the decimal to the left:

5.7*10^(-8) = .000000057

Once again, please read your book.