How far is 1.5 cm chord from the center?


Full Member
Jul 27, 2022
A 10 cm chord is 3 cm from the center of a circle. How far is 1.5 cm chord from the center? What do I need to think before this problem could be solved? My sketch is below?
You can start by figuring out the radius of the circle, or at least its squared value.
It appears that you have already done some thinking!

Now use that right triangle you drew, and draw another.
Thank you. The distance of the chord from the center of the circle is 5.77 cm.View attachment 34941
What happened to the exponent?


It doesn't have a large effect on the answer, but I can't call your answer right! (It's off by a only fraction of a percent, but conceptually wrong.)

The main ideas, though, are correct.
I meant to say, I can't call your answer right! (It's off by a only fraction of a percent, but conceptually wrong.)
Thanks for bringing me back. It has to be correct.
[math]\sqrt{ 34 - \frac{ 9 }{ 16 }} = \sqrt{\frac{ 535 }{ 16 }} = 5.78 ~ c m[/math]