how many centimeters are there in four yards???

doubledip11 said:

With what?

We are good, but we are not mind readers.

The way to get help here is to post your complete question. Show us what you have done to try to solve the problem. Then, we can help you.
doubledip11 said:
Mrspi said:
With what?
Mrs. Pi: I think the original poster is referring to the question hidden in the subject line. Of course, subject lines bear no relation to the post contents in a large percentage of cases, so I could be entirely wrong. :oops:

doubledip11: Please follow Mrs. Pi's instructions. Post the actual question, along with its complete instructions, within the body of your post, and show all of your work and reasoning so far. In this case, it would probably be helpful if you included the conversion factors you've been given to work with. (Different books use different factors, and of course we'd want to help you work with the ones you're supposed to be using.)

Thank you! :D

there really is nothing to it
how many centimeters are in 4 yards?
thats about it :wink:
doubledip11 said:
there really is nothing to it
how many centimeters are in 4 yards?
thats about it :wink:

1 inch = 2.54 cm

1 foot = 12 inch = 12 * 2.54 = 30.48 cm

1 yard = 3 foot = 3 * 30.48 ....and continue