how many years are thier in 1.6 time 10 8th power seconds??

doubledip11 said:
how many years are their in 1.6 times 10 to the 8th power in seconds????

You've posted 3 times in 20 minutes.

Maybe you don't know how this forum works. We're all volunteers (many with "real life jobs"). We stop by as we have time to do so, and help with the questions we can.

If you are needing FAST answsers, you may want to check out one of the many "fee for service" will (for a fee,) get a relatively fast response.

That said.....

1.6 * 10^8 seconds

change to years.

1 year = 365 days

365 days = 365*24 hours

365*24 hours = 365*24*60 minutes

365*24*60 minutes = 365*24*60*60 seconds


you've got 1.6*10^8 seconds

to convert this to years, divide by the number of seconds in 1 year, which is

(365*24*60*60) seconds.....

(1.6*10^8 seconds) / (365*24*60*60 seconds per year) = number of years.

I hope this helps you.