How will I interpret the distribution of these dotplots?


Junior Member
Dec 18, 2018
I have homework about dotplots(I screenshot the two questions)
c. My guess is 3 categories. The entries are seemed to be divided into three.
d. My guess is the shape of the distribution is roughly symmetrical.

I am not sure about my answers. Thank you for the help.

c) is a terrible question. How are you supposed to know how broad or specific a "category" is. I would look at that and say there are 7 categories.
But 3 categories is also a fine answer if they allowed to be broad categories. Who knows. Fire the writer.

d) first thing that strikes me is who has the rocket powered car that can do 14.1s. Second thing is that the distribution is remarkably wide. I would have expected it to be tighter. Again unless you're an expert in dragsters who knows.