I can't seem to figure what this equation is


New member
Aug 14, 2021
I would really appreciate it if someone would be able to solve this. I dont even know if it's math at this point.

68!67!71!77!76!64!70!66!65!65!70!76!76!*! = 69 DECIMAL
16!23!19!25!24!20!21!19!20!24!25!16!24!*! = 17 DECIMAL
74!77!73!67!66!78!78!73!74!73!75!72!75!*! = 75 DECIMAL
19!20!16!26!27!23!20!16!20!19!21!19!17!*! = 18 DECIMAL
16!23!19!25!24!20!23!21!16!23!18!16!16!*! = 17 DECIMAL
Why is each line equal to that
Sorry, but "18 DECIMAL" doesn't mean anything. It MAY mean, 18 digits left of the decimal point.
I would really appreciate it if someone would be able to solve this. I dont even know if it's math at this point.

68!67!71!77!76!64!70!66!65!65!70!76!76!*! = 69 DECIMAL
16!23!19!25!24!20!21!19!20!24!25!16!24!*! = 17 DECIMAL
74!77!73!67!66!78!78!73!74!73!75!72!75!*! = 75 DECIMAL
19!20!16!26!27!23!20!16!20!19!21!19!17!*! = 18 DECIMAL
16!23!19!25!24!20!23!21!16!23!18!16!16!*! = 17 DECIMAL
Why is each line equal to that
Interpretation requires context. Please tell us where this came from, and show us exactly what it looks like in its original form. (An image or link will be best.)

But there's a good chance it's intended to be confusing.
There's no context to it I was just presented the equations above. it really is confusing, I think it has something to do with programming instead
I was just presented the equations above
In a class-room?​
Dealing with what subject? Mathematics, History, Numerical analysis...​
Please post the EXACT problem - preferably a photograph of the given assignment.
There's no context to it I was just presented the equations above. it really is confusing, I think it has something to do with programming instead
There must be some sort of context that gives you reason to think it involves programming.

On the other hand, programming projects must always be clearly specified; and anyone who gives a programming assignment (formally or not) should be prepared to answer questions about it. Go back and ask!
In the old days, 69! was the greatest factorial that could be represented on the screen of a hand-held calculator. This was a limit imposed by the 2-digit exponent.

Listen to your words: "There is no context." This is utterly preposterous. Who gave it to you? Context. Was there a question? Context. Was it in a textbook or scrawled on a piece of paper? Context. Were you standing on a mountain or diving into an active volcano? There CANNOT BE "no context".

Please do better or this will be considered trolling.