i need help to get math prove


New member
May 21, 2020
I have a set of blocks, each one do a specific task.
I want to get math prove about it.
could you help me!?
I want math model of these related blocks.

if you can extract theorem or something like that it would be perfect!
thank you.
actually the idea, is to take speech
the first thing to do is post processing such as High pass filtering to remove noise and resampling to 8 kHz. Then each 4 samples will be compared to 4 parameters and calculate euclidien distance then element to element, the result ei=e1,...e4 is interpolated using Lagrange method. inputs ei and I=1,...4 and y=p(ei). the result will be auto-encoded to compress p(ei) and produce a compact representation.

I need math prove of it.
First the word "prove" is a verb so "a math prove" makes no sense! You did use the word "theorem" before which does make sense. But do you know what the word "theorem" means? Telling us exactly what you are trying to do would help!
Since I just said that "math prove" makes no sense, could you please explain what "math prove" means?