If A, B symmetric; show AB+BA symm., AB-BA skew symm.


New member
Apr 5, 2008
if A and B are symmetric matrices of same order then show that 1. AB+BA is symmetric 2. AB-BA is skew symmetric
Re: matrix

jas said:
these answers are not in my textbook pls. if you know its answers then pls. tell me also.

Answers of what???
jas said:
if A and B are symmetric matrices of same order then show that 1. AB+BA is symmetric 2. AB-BA is skew symmetric

These are both immediate results of the basic properties of the transpose operator. Without just giving you the answers, consider using these properties which hold for all \(\displaystyle A,B \in M_n(F)\) (i.e. matrices with the same order):

(i) \(\displaystyle (A+B)^T = A^T + B^T\)

(ii) \(\displaystyle (AB)^T = B^T A^T\)

(iii) \(\displaystyle A\) is said to be symmetric if \(\displaystyle A^T = A\)

(iv) \(\displaystyle A\) is said to be skew-symmetric if \(\displaystyle A^T = -A\)

So in your work, use these properties to obtain \(\displaystyle (AB+BA)^T\) and \(\displaystyle (AB-BA)^T\) and observe that (iii) and (iv) are met as desired.