In 81 games, Rocky won 51 by KO. Assuming Rocky wins all future matches by K.O, how many more matches must he complete so his K.O wins and matches

Correct, but do you understand why we have to add x to both the numerator and denomiator?
Well it is a ratio that we need to reach , right?. So we we have to the same unknown in both numerator and denominator. That is all I can say.
Well it is a ratio that we need to reach , right?. So we we have to the same unknown in both numerator and denominator. That is all I can say.
[math]\text{The win rate} =\frac{\text{number won matches}}{\text{total matches competed}}[/math]Initially, we are given [imath]\text{The win rate} =\frac{51}{81}[/imath]. We want to know how many more matches Rocky needs to participate in in order to have a win rate of 2/3.
The total # match he will compete in = 81 + x
Next, the question told us that he will win all of his upcoming matches. Thereby, we have
Number won matches = 51 + x.
Does this make sense?
Yes, it does make a world of sense. It is much like the win rate formula
to calculate winning percentage where we divide wins by games played. Thanks.
Right. That is it. I am using a text editor. It is easy to type in math.
Yes, my wife saw that cross multiplication was a possibility and equating both sides. She is also studying a bit. and we see that 3 is a common multiple to both 51 and 81.
Yes, 3 is a multiple of 51 and 81. Does this help you with solving the problem.
Good question, Dr Khan. At first sight we noticed that 3 was a multiple of 51 as I am always looking out for multiples to reduce fractions before we perform them as I have learned to do here. so ,on second thought, we though we could reduce the equation a little bit, but we tried and the result was not the same. So, the answer is no. it was not helpful, anyway we had to distribute the 2/3 when cross-multiplying so we saw there was nothing to it. if there is something that could have been done we missed it.