In/Out Math Table


New member
Aug 23, 2010
I have a in/out math table that I need help with , actually answers for :

In column: 1-3-4-?
Out column: 3-11-15-7

Next table :
In column : Division - ever - opportunity - toast - safe - people - mathmatics - ?
Out Column : I - E - O - A - E - O - ? - ( Can not be done )
\(\displaystyle First \ one, \ one \ of \ many \ solutions, \ to \ wit: \ f(x) \ = \ 4x-1.\)

\(\displaystyle Note: \ f(1) \ = \ 3, \ f(3) \ = \ 11, \ f(4) \ = \ 15, \ and \ f(2) \ = \ 7, \ x \ = \ 2.\)
Bronco24 said:
I have a in/out math table that I need help with , actually answers for :

In column: 1-3-4-?
Out column: 3-11-15-7

Next table :
In column : Division - ever - opportunity - toast - safe - people - mathmatics - ? Are you sure it is not MATHEMATICS
Out Column : I - E - O - A - E - O - ? - ( Can not be done )

The first set of numbers are linearly related - can you find it now?(y = 4x -1)
Hello, Bronco24!

I found a pattern . . . but it's kind of lame.

\(\displaystyle \begin{array}{c||c|c|c|c|c|c|c|} \text{In } & \text{division} & \text{ever} & \text{opportunity} & \text{toast} & \text{safe} & \text{people} & \text{mathmatics} \\ \hline \text{Out} & I & E & O & A & E & O & ? \end{array}\)

\(\displaystyle \text{In each word, we select the }n^{th}\text{ letter (written in upper case).}\)

We see that the following letters are chosen: .\(\displaystyle 4^{th},\;3^{rd},\;4^{th},\;3^{rd},\;4^{th},\;3^{rd},\;\cdots\)

So we select the \(\displaystyle 4^{th}\) letter from "mathematics": .\(\displaystyle H\)

For the second problem, my logic would be to choose the second vowel in the word.

So the answer would be either "a"(without correcting the spelling mistake) or "e"(after correcting the spelling mistake)
Thanks everyone for the help . Sorry about my typo on mathematics ..

This is a great site to get help .. I glad I fell upon this .
