inequality of quadratics: X^2 - 3x - 10 > 0


New member
Aug 5, 2007
solve X^2-3x-10>0

I understand equations and parabolas but how do I solve for an inequaltiy? I have read my text and don't get this -- I am supposed to describe a sign graph for inequality. What is the difference that graphing a parabola? I am still working on this... I assume I need to get the x on one side and the numbers on the other?
Graph the parabola.

Decide if the inside or the outside passes muster with the inequality.

Really, that's it.
No worries. Study with me long enough and you will learn some of the hardest ways possible to solve problems solved by others very simply. :shock: Why do it simply and beautifully when you can gain so much experience? :wink: