Integration by parts

Math Student

New member
Aug 11, 2011

I'm having trouble integrating by parts. I keep getting zero, but I do not think that is the answer.

I'm trying to attach my steps as a word document, but I keep getting "Invalid File".

Math Student
Pretty tough to offer any assistance with onyl that much information. Find some way to communicate. Most folks wouldn't open w Word document anyway. With just a little practice, you can learn enough LaTeX. Perhaps a scanned image?
It enables math expressions. \(\displaystyle \int_{0}^{\infty}x^{2}\;dx\)

You can hover over (or maybe double-click) existing expressions to see how it is coded.
I think you mave have chosen your f and g prime incorrectly. Use \(\displaystyle f=e^{-jkwt}\) and \(\displaystyle g\prime=\sin(t)\). Then see what you get.