Ladder problem


New member
Dec 4, 2021
A ladder of length 5 m ist leaning against a vertical wall at an angle of 60° to the horizontal. The foot of the ladder moves in by 50cm. By how much does the top of the ladder moves up the wall?

The given ans is 25.24, i didnt come to this ans after hours of trying
Beer inspired diagram and query follows.
A ladder of length 5 m ist leaning against a vertical wall at an angle of 60° to the horizontal. The foot of the ladder moves in by 50cm. By how much does the top of the ladder moves up the wall?

The given ans is 25.24, i didnt come to this ans after hours of trying
[imath]\angle B_1A_1C=60°[/imath] with [imath]|\overline {A_1B_1}|=5[/imath]
What do these tell you about the coordinates of [imath]B_1[/imath]?
Another way of saying the same thing as Jonah is:
Firstly, find the base and height (using trig) of the triangle with vertices A1, B1 and C.