Log problems


Junior Member
Aug 8, 2019
Hello guys, I have problems and stuck with the question in the box. Would you please give directions to how I can solve the question? I have tried solving it below :
thank you
Log question.jpeg
Continue with the quadratic you have found?

If a>b>1, which is bigger: log a (base b) OR log b (base a)?

This will help you determine which solution for the quadratic is which. And then you can complete the problem.
Continue with the quadratic you have found?

If a>b>1, which is bigger: log a (base b) OR log b (base a)?

This will help you determine which solution for the quadratic is which. And then you can complete the problem.
okay will do, I tried but still stuck in verifying the answer. Could you please help and check what I missed?
log ans.jpeg
is log b (base a) equals to roughly 17?
how do I get log a (base b) though?
is log b (base a) equals to roughly 17?
how do I get log a (base b) though?
The same quadratic equation applies to both x = log b (base a) and x=log b (base a). Can you confirm that?
So your solutions for the quad eqtn : one is log b (base a) and the other is log a (base b).
Given that a>b>1, which is which?
And then sub into the final expression.
okay will do, I tried but still stuck in verifying the answer. Could you please help and check what I missed?
View attachment 34457
So what is the difference you were asked to solve. BTW, this is math so please stop with this approximation stuff. You need to find the exact answer. So far you have done very nice work.
Hello guys, I have problems and stuck with the question in the box. Would you please give directions to how I can solve the question? I have tried solving it below :
thank you
View attachment 34456
Because you seem adverse to using proper grouping symbols, I can only guess as to the correct reading the problem.
Is it? Given: [imath]a>b>1~\&~\dfrac{1}{\log_a(b)}+\dfrac{1}{\log_b(a)}=\sqrt{293}[/imath], then find [imath]\dfrac{1}{\log_{ab}(b)}-\dfrac{1}{\log_{ab}(a)}=~?[/imath]

If that reading is correct then apply the change of base theorm: [imath]\log_j(k)=\dfrac{\log(k)}{\log(j)}[/imath]

So, then find [imath]\dfrac{1}{\log_{ab}(b)}-\dfrac{1}{\log_{ab}(a)}=\dfrac{\log(a)+\log(b)}{\log(b)}-\dfrac{\log(a)+\log(b)}{\log(a)}=~?[/imath]
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I used the facts that 1/loga(b) = logb(a) along with logb(ab) = 1 + logb(a)
Because you seem adverse to using proper grouping symbols, I can only guess as to the correct reading the problem.
Is it? Given: [imath]a>b>1~\&~\dfrac{1}{\log_a(b)}+\dfrac{1}{\log_b(a)}=\sqrt{293}[/imath], then find [imath]\dfrac{1}{\log_{ab}(b)}-\dfrac{1}{\log_{ab}(a)}=~?[/imath]

If that reading is correct then apply the change of base theorm: [imath]\log_j(k)=\dfrac{\log(k)}{\log(j)}[/imath]

So, then find [imath]\dfrac{1}{\log_{ab}(b)}-\dfrac{1}{\log_{ab}(a)}=\dfrac{\log(a)+\log(b)}{\log(b)}-\dfrac{\log(a)+\log(b)}{\log(a)}=~?[/imath]
thanks for the walk through, i'll give it a try.
Continue with the quadratic you have found?

If a>b>1, which is bigger: log a (base b) OR log b (base a)?

This will help you determine which solution for the quadratic is which. And then you can complete the problem.
the one on the right is bigger , but I am still confused how this will help me
logab + logba = sqrt(293)
logab + 1/logab = sqrt(293)
Let x=logab
Now you have x + 1/x = sqrt(293) which can be expressed as a quadratic in x and therefore you can solve for x.
That is, we now have a value for logab

logabb - logaba = 1/logb(ab) - 1/loga(ab) = 1/[1+logba] - 1/[1+logab] = 1/[1+1/logab] - 1/[1+logab]

Now you finish up.
What exactly do you mean by that, please?
\(\displaystyle log_b{a}+\frac{1}{log_b{a}}=\frac{1}{log_a{b}}+log_a{b}\)

So the quadratic equation found in post #1 applies to both \(\displaystyle x = log_a{b}\) and \(\displaystyle x=log_b{a}\).

So, given that \(\displaystyle a>b>1\), it follow that \(\displaystyle log_a{b} < log_b{a}\) , so you can work out which root is which. This is important in working out the correct sign for your answer.
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