Looking for an equation


New member
Jul 31, 2021
Imagine a number line from 1 to 7.
I'm looking for an equation where it returns a value that is on the opposite end of the number line.

if I input 1, it returns 7,
if I input 2, it returns 6,
if I input 7, it returns 1,
Did you notice that the sum of your pairs add up to 8?

I would use the equation x+y = 8 or y = 8-x. This is exactly what pka wrote.
Imagine a number line from 1 to 7.
I'm looking for an equation where it returns a value that is on the opposite end of the number line.

if I input 1, it returns 7,
if I input 2, it returns 6,
if I input 7, it returns 1,
Input + Return = 8

Return = 8 - Input