
rame said:

What do you need to do? - there is no "question.

Please share your work with us, indicating exactly where you are stuck - so that we may know where to begin to help you.
\(\displaystyle Another \ thing:\)

\(\displaystyle Is \ that: \ (\sqrt2 x-5y)^2 \ or \ (\sqrt{2x}-5y)^2?\)

\(\displaystyle If \ you \ don't \ start \ using \ grouping \ symbols, \ unless \ you \ marry \ the \ boss' \ daughter, \ you're \ doom.\)

\(\displaystyle \text{I love it!}\)

\(\displaystyle \text{We have: }\;(\text{sqrt}2x\!\!-\!\!5y)}^2\)
. . . \(\displaystyle \text{which could equal: }\;\begin{Bmatrix} \left(\sqrt{2}\!\cdot\!x - 5y\right)^2 \\ \\[-3mm] \left(\sqrt{2x} - 5y\right)^2 \\ \\[-3mm] \left(\sqrt{2x-5}\cdot y\right)^2 \\ \\[-3mm] \left(\sqrt{2x-5y}\,\right)^2 \end{array}\)

. . \(\displaystyle \text{and no instructions . . .}\)

If I had a nickel . . .