Matrices word problem


New member
Sep 23, 2010
I need help setting up the equations so I can solve it.

A plane traveled 576 miles to Chicago and back. The trip there was with the wind. It took 6 hours. The trip back was into the wind. The trip back took 12 hours. What is the speed of the plane in still air? What is the speed of the wind?
janekelly said:
I need help setting up the equations so I can solve it.

A plane traveled 576 miles to Chicago and back. The trip there was with the wind. It took 6 hours. The trip back was into the wind. The trip back took 12 hours. What is the speed of the plane in still air? What is the speed of the wind?

Please show us what you have done to START this problem (defining variables would be a good first step).

You'll need to use the fact that "distance = rate * time"

I don't know about other "helpers" here, but when I see someone posting SEVERAL problems without showing one single bit of work, I get to feeling "used."

Please show us SOMETHING....if I can see what you're thinking, I may be more willing to help you.
janekelly said:
I need help setting up the equations so I can solve it.

A plane traveled 576 miles to Chicago and back. The trip there was with the wind. It took 6 hours. The trip back was into the wind. The trip back took 12 hours. What is the speed of the plane in still air? What is the speed of the wind?

I've never known the winds aloft to blow that steadily, either in speed or direction, for that length of time, but assuming a first time for everything:

(I'm assuming that you mean the trip to Chicago was 576 miles, and the trip back was also 576 miles.)

Remember that the distance is the product of the rate (speed) and time, i.e., d = rt.

Let "a" be the speed of the plane when traveling with the wind, and "b" be the speed of the plane when traveling against the wind. For the trip with the wind, we're given that:

576 = a(6)

a = 576/6 = 96 miles/hr

For the trip against the wind, we're given that:

576 = a(6)

b = 576/12 = 48 miles/hr

Assuming the speed of the plane in still air is "r,", the speeds are related:

a - r = b + r

2r = a - b

r = (a - b)/2 = (96 + 48)/2 = 72 miles/hr (plane speed)

w = a - r = b + r = 24 miles/hr (windspeed)
janekelly said:
What is the speed of the plane in still air?

What is the speed of the wind?

These are the two unknown quantities that you need to find.

What symbols did you pick to represent them?

Please tell me, and we'll go from there.

Cheers 8-)
