Mean credit-card debt $4,500 (SD: $1,200): Find debt of top 2%


New member
Mar 9, 2018
2. If the mean amount of credit-card debt is $4,500, with a standard deviation of $1,200, what amount of debt would put a person in the top 2% of credit-card debtors?

Note: For the above problem, use the following distribution to estimate your percentage distribution.



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2. If the mean amount of credit-card debt is $4,500, with a standard deviation of $1,200, what amount of debt would put a person in the top 2% of credit-card debtors?

Note: For the above problem, use the following distribution to estimate your percentage distribution.

Okay; I've typed out the text in your too-small image, found and uploaded a legible "distribution" picture for you, and updated your subject line from the name of your image to a preview of the posted exercise. Now we need to know what you've done and where you're getting bogged down.

You can see from the picture where the top 2% lies. You can see how the percentage is related to standard deviations from the mean. You've been given a mean and a standard deviation. You can see from the picture how many times to add. And... then what? Where are you stuck?

Please be complete. Thank you! ;)