Minesweeper chance or probability?

John Racette

New member
Sep 16, 2019
I was bored in my dorm room today and came across an interesting problem while playing minesweeper. While solving the last corner of the grid, encountered a setup that seems to be impossible to determine without randomly guessing one of the mines. It seems to be fifty-fifty odds at any given question mark flag is a mine. Am I accurate in this assessment or is there a way to better my odds here that I'm not seeing?
You might tell us what the gray and blue colors mean. Are you talking about the first two rows columns 5 - 7? Row2 squares 5-7 are all safe because square 2,6 already has its one mine. Tell us more about what your problem is. Actually, to answer your question, it is not uncommon to have a situation where the only way to proceed is to take a chance and guess.