More Angle Arc Theorem


New member
Oct 25, 2005
Sorry about the misunderstanding from the problem before. I have one more question. I want to know how to like this and what the answer would be.

RHOM is a rhombus. Segment RH and RM are tangents. Find the meause of arc HM.
Thank you for your help!
Once again your figure is at odds with the statement you have given!
THERE IS NO ARC HM, unless H & M are the points of tangency.
Are they points of tangency?
You have not drawn them as if they were!
Please correct you question!
pka said:
Once again your figure is at odds with the statement you have given!

I am copying the pictures and statements straight from the geometry book I am using. The question I asked previously is stated correctly too.

Lets suppose that H & M are points of tangency.
Because RHOM is a rhombus the cords \(\displaystyle \overline {HO} \quad \& \quad \overline {OM}\) are congruent. Thus the arcs \(\displaystyle HO\quad \& \quad OM\) have the same measurement \(\displaystyle \ x\).
The arc \(\displaystyle \ MH\) has measure \(\displaystyle \ y\).
Opposite angles are congruent so \(\displaystyle m\angle HRM = m\angle HOM = \frac{y}{2}\).
Also by corresponding angles \(\displaystyle m\angle HRM = m\angle OMT = \frac{x}{2}\).
That means that \(\displaystyle \ x = y\) or \(\displaystyle y = \frac{{2\pi }}{3}\).
Hello, neno89!

                   * * *
                *         *
           H  *             *  O
             o o o o o o o o o 
            o               o  
           o               o  *
          o *        *    o   *
         o  *            o    *
        o               o
       o     *         o     *
      o       *       o     *
     o           *   o   * 
    o o o o o o o o*o *
   R                 M

\(\displaystyle \angle R\) is measured by \(\displaystyle \frac{1}{2}(\hat{HOM}\,-\,\hat{HM})\)

\(\displaystyle \angle O\) is measured by \(\displaystyle \frac{1}{2}(\hat{HM})\)

Since opposite angles of a rhombus are equal, \(\displaystyle \angle R\,=\,\angle O\)

\(\displaystyle \;\;\)we have: \(\displaystyle \,\frac{1}{2}(\hat{HOM}\,-\,\hat{HM})\;=\;\frac{1}{2}\hat{HM}\)

\(\displaystyle \;\;\)which simplifies to: \(\displaystyle \,\hat{HOM}\,=\,2\hat{HM}\)

Since \(\displaystyle \,\hat{HOM}\,+\,\hat{HM}\:=\:360^o\), then: \(\displaystyle \,\hat{HOM}\,=\,240^o,\;\;\hat{HM}\,=\,120^o\)
