[MOVED] domains of sine, cosine, and tangent


New member
Mar 18, 2007
What is the domain of sin/cos/tan ? I cant find information on this and I've scoured the web and this site and my textbook. I'm sure it's been said somewhere before, maybe I'm just searching for it wrong.

I did find information that said sin was the set of all real numbers >= 1 or <=-1, but I got it wrong on a test...

Any quick answers on this one?

Thanks in advance.
Re: sin/cos/tan easy question

nobes said:
What is the domain of sin/cos/tan ?
For the sine and cosine functions the domain is the set of real numbers.
For the tangent function the domain is the set of real numbers minus the odd multiples of [pi]/2. \(\displaystyle \left\{ {x \in \Re :\; x \not= \frac{{\left( {2k - 1} \right)\pi }}{2}} \right\}.\)
Learn about the unit circle to find the sine and cosine of an angle. The domain, or 'input', could be any angle: so we can say the domain is the set of all real numbers.