Multiple Regression, No Understanding


New member
May 9, 2011
So, I'm going along, studying for my exams, and get to my Business Stats notes. We're covering Simple and Multiple Regression for our exam, and I was able to get a general idea about how simple regression works, given certain values such as SSR, SSE, and SST in the actual problems. Once I had moved onto the multiple regression problems, however, I realized that I was unable to take data points and actually find these values, since we had never actually been shown in class how to compute them. I will post what I have available for a sample problem that I was hoping to work out below.

Quarter;_______Sales, Millions $ (Dependent Variable)____Car Sales, Millions______Money Supply Index_______Oil Price $/barrel (Independent variables)

2008 Q2____________35.16_____________________________40.4____________________2.29____________________18.83
2008 Q3____________32.3______________________________38.0____________________2.32____________________19.75
2008 Q4____________32.78_____________________________35.6____________________2.32____________________18.53
2009 Q1____________30.91_____________________________35.6____________________2.33____________________17.61
2009 Q2____________30.5______________________________36.7____________________2.36____________________17.95
2009 Q3____________28.8______________________________35.9____________________2.36____________________15.84
2009 Q4____________30.22_____________________________36.9____________________2.36____________________14.28
2010 Q1____________29.52_____________________________37.9____________________2.38____________________13.02
2010 Q2____________30.04_____________________________37.2____________________2.37____________________15.89
2010 Q3____________31.17_____________________________39.0____________________2.39____________________16.91
2010 Q4____________29.17_____________________________39.3____________________2.40____________________16.29
2011 Q1____________31.07_____________________________41.9____________________2.42____________________17
2011 Q2____________30.33_____________________________40.0____________________2.43____________________17.93
2011 Q3____________31.42_____________________________43.2____________________2.44____________________16.98

a. What is the regression equation? Report R[sup:2eu5fc1t]2[/sup:2eu5fc1t] and adjusted R[sup:2eu5fc1t]2[/sup:2eu5fc1t].
b. Predict the sales for the fourth quarter of 2011 using the regression equation. The car sales were $42.7 million, the MSI as 2.46 and the oil price was $17.51/barrel.
c. It is claimed that oil price does not affect demand for tools. Conduct a t test with a = 5%.
d. Remove the oil price variable from the model and repeat the regression. Report the new R[sup:2eu5fc1t]2[/sup:2eu5fc1t] and adjusted R[sup:2eu5fc1t]2[/sup:2eu5fc1t].

While it would be exceptionally beneficial to have a run-through of all of the questions with this example, I believe I can figure out the most of this problem if shown how to compute SSR and SSE, since if I have those, I can get SST. The book I have came with a CD that has excel templates for each chapter, but I don't know how to use it. I entered in the information I was given into the cells, and the most I got from it was that the SSE may be 13451.17. Even though I have the number, I'd like to know how it was found so I can do it by myself come exam time. Thank you in advance for any help I receive on this problem.