Need Help in a Stats Assignment - Frequency, Cumulative Frequency, A.M, H.M


New member
Mar 24, 2021
A= sum of all digits in your Student ID B= last 2 digits of your Student ID. Compute C=Min(A,B) and D=(Max(A,B)+5).

If your Student ID is F2016067013 than A=2+0+1+6+0+6+7+0+1+3=26 and B=13 so C=13 and D=26+5=31

If your Student ID is F2016067042 than A=2+0+1+6+0+6+7+0+4+2=28 and B=42 so C=28 and D=42+5=47

Question: Take any 50 different numbers (some of them should be two decimal) between C-1 and D+2. Find the tabular for of data in five number rows with uniform integer length of intervals. Also calculate frequency, cumulative frequency, A.M, H.M, G.M, and Histogram.
What help do you want? Since I don't know your student ID (and don't want to know), I can't possibly do this for you. I could try demonstrating with their example, choosing 50 random decimal numbers between 30 and 49 and doing these calculations; but that's a lot of work, and this is YOUR assignment.

Why not do as we ask, and show us YOUR work, or ask specific questions about parts you don't understand?
