Need help on this inverse function question


New member
Jun 9, 2020
Given the function, f(x) = 24/(1)X+2 , X does not equal to -2/1

find the value of k if f-1(k) = k

I had calculated the inverse function for f(x) = 24/(1)X+2 which is f-1(x) = 24-2x/x,
I had tried to substitute x with k but still got the wrong answer.

any helps would be kindly appreciated
Given the function, f(x) = 24/(1)X+2 , X does not equal to -2/1

find the value of k if f-1(k) = k

I had calculated the inverse function for f(x) = 24/(1)X+2 which is f-1(x) = 24-2x/x,
I had tried to substitute x with k but still got the wrong answer.

any helps would be kindly appreciated
You have to write the function properly for us to help you

You wrote

f(x) = 24/(1)X+2 \(\displaystyle \to\ \ \) that means \(\displaystyle \to\ \ \) f(x) = 24/(1)X+2 = 24 * X + 2

I am assuming that you did not intend to write that. Also note that on the left-hand-side you wrote f(x) but on the right-hand-side you have (capital) X, you did not have any small x. Please be consistent. Please insert grouping symbols with () to indicate order of operation.

I did not understand the use of (1) in f(x) = 24/(1)X+2

Please review the definition and the method of inverting a function in your textbook. You can get a quick/easy overview at:

Finding the Inverse of a Function - Purplemath........... › modules › invrsfcn3

Please come back with "corrected" problem statement and also

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I am going to assume you mean f(x)= 24/(x+ 2). To find a value of k such that f^{-1}(k)= k. You don't really need to find the inverse function because, taking f of both sides, that equation is equivalent to f(k)= 24/(k+2)= k. So 24= k(k+2)= k^2+ 2k.

But, yes, if f(x)= 24/(x+ 2) then x+ 2= 24/f(x), x= 24/f(x)- 2 so f^(-1)(x)= 24/x- 2 which is the same thing as f^(-1)(x)= (24- 2x)/x (the parentheses are important!). f^(-1)(k)= (24- 2k)/k= k when 24- 2k= k^2, 24= k^2+ 2k as before.