Need help with easy investment word problem


Junior Member
Jun 1, 2007
The Mountaineering Shop was owned by Dave, Steven, and Pierre. Steve put up 2000$ more than Dave, and Pierre owned a half interest. If the total cost of the shop was 52,000$, how much did each man invest?

I don't understand Pierre owned a half interest statement.

So far I have x for dave amount and x+2000 for steven amount
The Mountaineering Shop was owned by Dave, Steven, and Pierre. Steve put up 2000$ more than Dave, and Pierre owned a half interest. If the total cost of the shop was 52,000$, how much did each man invest?

If Pierre owned half, he invested $26,000

Steve putting up $2000 more than Dave leads too S = D + 2000.

Since S + D = =26,000 and
......S - D = 2000

2S = 28,000 making S = $14,000 and D = $12,000
I don't understand how a half interest = half of the total investment.
the total investment is 100% of the company's worth ... the term "half interest" means just that ... 50% of the company's worth.

Pierre ... $26000
Steven ... $14000
Dave ... $12000