Need help with this word problem.


New member
Dec 2, 2021
Been stuck on it question forever and its making me go insane

The current of a river is 4 miles per hour. A boat travels to a point 609 miles upstream and back again in 50 hours. What is the speed of the boat to the nearest tenth in water without a current?

Thanks for help <3
Been stuck on it question forever and its making me go insane

The current of a river is 4 miles per hour. A boat travels to a point 609 miles upstream and back again in 50 hours. What is the speed of the boat to the nearest tenth in water without a current?

Thanks for help <3
A few questions to get you started:
- This trip has two parts: upstream, and downstream. Of the parameters distance, rate, and time, which one of these is the same for both parts of the trip? Can you write a generic equation with that parameter in terms of the other two?
- What is the speed of the boat upstream against the current? What is the speed of the boat downstream with the current?