Need help!

This exercise is about (1) understanding how information can be shown graphically, and (2) reading specific information off of a graph.

Please note that the exercise instructs you to explain your reasoning. You need to do that here, too, when asking for help.

What have you tried, so far? Where did you get stuck? :cool:

This exercise uses function notation. Do you know the meaning of expressions like D(t) and D(2)? If not, then that's one thing you ought to be asking about.

PS: Your image is hard to read because this site reduces large images. If we enlarge your image on the screen, it's still hard to read because your original has low resolution. It's better to break a full screen of information into smaller pieces, and upload separate images. Crop off unused margins, first. :idea: You can check how your post and attachments will appear, by using the Preview Post button, before submitting.