Newton's Law of heating and cooling


New member
Sep 21, 2010
Note: In some situations, the ambient temperature is not necessarily constant- it may be a function of time

At t=0, a sealed test tube containing a chemical is immersed in a liquid bath. The initial temperature of the test tube is 65 degrees F. The liquid bath has a controlled temperature given by Tm(t) = 90 - 35e^(-.2t), t>= 0 where t is measured in minutes. Assume that k = -.2 in the appropriate equation.

a) before solving the inital value problem, describe in words what you expect the temperature T(t) of the chemical to be like in both the short term and long term

b) solve the initial value problem.
Well, what have YOU done on this? You titled this "Newton's law of heating a cooling". What is Newton's law of heating and cooling?