number of ways to arrange five people in seven seats


New member
May 30, 2008
I have this question in my homework that I cannot figure out.

Jack, Bill, John, Harry, and Brent went to the movie theater. They found a row with 7 empty seats. How many different ways can the men be seated in the row?

There are 6 possabilities for each seat I think, but I do not know how to do this kind of problem. If anyone here knows how could you please help me?
Hello, zebrafinch!

Have you been taught nothing about "counting problems"?

Jack, Bill, John, Harry, and Brent went to the movie theater.
They found a row with 7 empty seats.
How many different ways can the men be seated in the row?

We can baby-talk our way through it . . .

Jack has a choice of any of the 7 available seats; he chooses one.
Bill has a choice of any of the 6 remaining seats; he chooses one.
John has a choice of any of the 5 remaining seats; he chooses one.
Harry has a choice of any of the 4 remaining seats; he chooses one.
Breant has choice of any of the 3 remaining seats; he chooses one.

\(\displaystyle \text{Therefore, there are: }\:7 \times 6 \times 5 \times 4 \times 3 \;=\;\boxed{2,520}\text{ possible seatings.}\)

What I was confused on is that if jack chooses a chair out of 7 and so on... but if they get up and choose over again then what if harry picks first this time? I do not know if that is intellagent enough to make sense??
Any one of the seven could be in the first seat. There are 7 ways for them to be seated in the first seat. That leaves 6 to be seated.
Any one of the six could be in the second seat seat. There are 7 X 6 ways for the first two seats to be occupied. It may help if you write down the different possibilities to show that given 7 people to be seated in two seats there are 42 different ways to accomplish this.
Now, there are 5 left to be seated in the next seat. So, in the first 3 seats there are 7 X 6 x 5 different ways to seat 3 out of the seven people.