

New member
Oct 8, 2011
The problem is:

Find three positive numbers x, yand z such that the sum of y,z, and 5 times x is equal to 180 and the product of the three numbers is maximum.

I understand the basics of the problem that you have (y+z+5x)=180 but how do you work the problem to maximize the product of the three numbers?
Are you familiar with Lagrange multipliers?. You can also use differentiation.

I will use multipliers.

We want to maximize \(\displaystyle f(x,y,z)=xyz\) subject to the constraint \(\displaystyle g(x,y,z)=5x+y+z=180\)


\(\displaystyle \nabla f=yzi+xzj+xyk=\lambda(5i+j+k)\)


\(\displaystyle yz=5\lambda\)..........[1]

\(\displaystyle xz=\lambda\)............[2]

\(\displaystyle xy=\lambda\)............[3]

Set [1] and [2] equal and we find

\(\displaystyle \frac{yz}{5}=xz\rightarrow x=\frac{y}{5}\)

From [2] and [3]:

\(\displaystyle xz=xy\rightarrow y=z\)

sub into the constraint:

\(\displaystyle 5(y/5)+y+y=180\)

\(\displaystyle 3y=180\)

\(\displaystyle y=60\)

Since y=z, then z=60.

and x=60/5=12

The max is \(\displaystyle 12\cdot 60\cdot 60\)

and the constraint is met \(\displaystyle 5(12)+60+60=180\)
Is the following not a theorem?

----> The maximum product of n positive real factors occurs when
all of the factors are equal to each other. <----

*If* this is true, then 5x = y = z,

and then 5x = 60.

So x = 12.

And then the maximum = (12)(60)(60).