Parametric equation/intersection with a plane?

Sep 24, 2011
What is the parametric equation of the vector which is perpendicular to the plane 2x−y−5z=4.
and contains point P=(31−1). Where does it intersect the xy, xz, yz plane?

I'm stuck. I don't know even where to begin, PLEASE HELP!
What is the parametric equation of the vector which is perpendicular to the plane 2x−y−5z=4.
and contains point P=(31−1). Where does it intersect the xy, xz, yz plane?
You have several notational errors in this question.
First, you want the equation of the line​ perpendicular to the plane.
Points are written as \(\displaystyle P:(3,1,-1)\).
Lines are perpendicular to planes if they are parallel to the normal.

Given a plane \(\displaystyle ax+by+cz=d\) and a point \(\displaystyle (p,q,r)\) the line you want is
\(\displaystyle \left\{ \begin{gathered} x = p + at \hfill \\
y = q + bt \hfill \\
z = r + ct \hfill \\
\end{gathered} \right.\)