
New member
Feb 16, 2006
I really need help with this TIPS assingment, its due in a few days and I have no idea how to do it. I have been working on how to do it for 4 days now, and it is so frustrating!! Its worth 5% of my final mark, so I would really really appreciate any help. Thanks.

TIPS: In a very long and narrow school hallway, there are 1000 lockers in a row. The lockers are numbered from 1 to 1000. All of the locker doors are open. A student walks down the hall and closes every second locker door, starting with locker number 2. Then, a second student walks down the hall and changes the state of every third locker. That is, teh student closes the door if it is open and opens the door if it is closed. A thrid student then changes the state of every fourth locker. This process continues until the 999th student changes the state of the 1000th locker. Will locker 729 be open or closed?

I need to solve this using patterns and sequences. Like recursive formulas, arithmetic sequence formulas, geometric sequence formulas, and so on.

Thanks if anyone can help.