percentage: 3/16 = (?)% x 3/4 and 7 = (?)% of 28

Re: percentage

It looks like these two exercises are the following.

3/16 is what percent of 3/4?

7 is what percent of 28?

Do you understand the relation:

\(\displaystyle \mbox{Number} \times \mbox{Percent} = \mbox{Percentage}\)

For example: 13 is what percent of 220?

This exercise gives us the number (220) and the percentage (13).

\(\displaystyle 200 \;\times\; \mbox{Percent} = 13\)

\(\displaystyle \mbox{Percent} = \frac{13}{220}\)

Since 13/220 = 0.059, we say that 13 is 5.9% of 220.

Please let us know what it is about percents and percentages that you do not understand. Otherwise, it's too hard to know where to begin with you.


~ Mark :)