Please help solve this equation


New member
Dec 18, 2019
Hello everybody,

I'm trying to solve an equation but can't figure it out.

I'm trying to solve for V. Other letters are constants.

Please help, my head is hurting :p

V = [[ R - (0.0125 x V)] x Z] / 0.8
how about

\(\displaystyle 0.8V = RZ - 0.0125 V Z\)

is that any easier for you to solve?
I could have gone that far but thanks. And from there V= (RZ−0.0125VZ) / 0.8 but I'm still trying to solve for V and not sure how to "extract" the second V on the right side of equation

\(\displaystyle 0.8V = RZ - 0.0125VZ\\~\\
(0.8 + 0.0125Z)V = RZ\\~\\
V = \dfrac{RZ}{0.8 +0.0125Z}
Now that I see it, I understand your "really?" haha

Thanks for unlocking my brain.

Take care